Napoleon William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln George Washington Aristotle Alexander the Great Thomas Jefferson Henry VIII of England Charles Darwin Elizabeth I of England Karl Marx Julius Caesar Queen Victoria Martin Luther Albert Einstein Christopher Columbus Isaac Newton Charlemagne Theodore Roosevelt Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Plato Louis XIV of France Ludwig van Beethoven Ulysses S. Grant Leonardo da Vinci Augustus Carl Linnaeus Ronald Reagan Charles Dickens Paul the Apostle Benjamin Franklin George W. Bush Winston Churchill Genghis Khan Charles I of England Thomas Edison James I of England Friedrich Nietzsche Franklin D. Roosevelt Sigmund Freud Alexander Hamilton Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Woodrow Wilson Johann Sebastian Bach Galileo Galilei Oliver Cromwell James Madison Gautama Buddha Mark Twain Edgar Allan Poe Joseph Smith, Jr. Adam Smith David, King of Israel George III of the United Kingdom Immanuel Kant James Cook John Adams Richard Wagner Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Voltaire Saint Peter Andrew Jackson Constantine the Great Socrates Elvis Presley William the Conqueror John F. Kennedy Augustine of Hippo Vincent van Gogh Nicolaus Copernicus Vladimir Lenin Robert E. Lee Oscar Wilde Charles II of England Cicero Jean-Jacques Rousseau Francis Bacon Richard Nixon Louis XVI of France Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor King Arthur Michelangelo Philip II of Spain Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Thomas Aquinas Pope John Paul II Rene Descartes Nikola Tesla Harry S. Truman Joan of Arc Dante Alighieri Otto von Bismarck Grover Cleveland John Calvin John Locke